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Health and Safety Protocols for Hockey Activities 

1) All Players/Coaches/Managers & Spectators are required to wear masks in the rink and locker room.  Masks can be removed when player puts on helmets and enters the ice.  

2) Everyone in attendance at an activity should remain socially distanced off the ice unless related. 

3) Players (other than goalies) should come as dressed as possible in their hockey gear. Social distancing and masks are required in locker rooms. Teams will be assigned locker rooms & may only use their designated locker rooms.  Players may not show up more than 15 minutes prior to practice times & must exit the building no more than 15 minutes after scheduled practice ends.

4) Termite and Mite players will not be assigned a locker room and should come fully dressed for practice.  Termite & Mite players may be accompanied by one parent & they will be allowed into the building 15 minutes prior to their scheduled practice session. At the conclusion of their session, skater and parent will have 15 minutes to remove skates and exit the building.  Parents attending practice must wear face masks in the building and must practice social distancing.


5) Bleachers, upstairs warming area & dryland are closed until further notice during practice times.  They will only be open during scheduled game times.


6) Visiting Teams may not show up more than 45 minutes prior to their scheduled game time.  If possible, teams should try to arrive and enter building as a group using social distancing standards, check in and go directly to their assigned locker rooms.


7) Teams will have 20 minutes after end of scheduled game to exit locker rooms and building so that sanitizing of all areas (locker rooms, bathrooms, bleachers, etc.) may occur.


8) Bleachers will have an assigned Home, Visiting and Home Student Section.  Everyone in attendance is asked to practice social distancing and wear a mask.


Obligations of Players, Parents, Coaches and Volunteers 


1) GOLDEN RULE – STAY HOME IF SICK OR IF DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO COVID-19. Do NOT come to a practice or game (a) if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or ANY other illness, (b) if you have had close contact (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) with anyone confirmed with Covid-19 in the last 2 weeks, or (c) if you have a fever of 100.4° or higher, even if you are not sick. 

  • Monitor for symptoms of illness and take the temperature of you and your child prior to coming to the rink (home or away). 
  • You will be asked to leave if you come to the rink when you are sick. 

2) Respect for Your Team. Be aware that your actions effect your entire team and take reasonable precautions to protect your own health and that of your teammates and coaches. 

  • Practice social distancing and masking outside of hockey and be sensible about higher-risk activities. 
  • Practice good hygiene – wash and/or sanitize your hands frequently, including upon entering the rink, carry your own hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes, wash your jerseys regularly and air out/clean your hockey gear after every use. 

3) Respect for the Rules. Respect and strictly adhere to (A) all rink restrictions for all games, home and away, (B) all rules of hosting programs, and (C) all additional on-ice and locker room health and safety precautions requested by your Head Coach. 

4) Reporting of Illness. Promptly report to your Head Coach. Do not come to the rink while waiting for the results of a Covid-19 test. 

  • You will not be penalized for missing hockey for these reasons and your commitment will not be questioned so long as you communicate promptly, openly and honestly. 

5) Medical Diagnosis. Promptly seek a medical diagnosis if you are sick and promptly report to your Head Coach whether you have been diagnosed with Covid-19 (yes or no). 

6) Quarantines. Promptly report to your Head Coach if you are subject to a quarantine for any reason, even if you are not sick. You may not participate in RYH activities until such quarantine expires. 

  • Quarantines may be required due to travel or exposure at school, another sports team or work or due to a household member. 

7) Other Risks of Exposure. Use reasonable judgment regarding whether to refrain from hockey activities and/or quarantine and/or take a Covid-19 test if you have close, sustained contact with someone from a “hot spot” or “restricted state” or if you are otherwise at high risk of having been exposed to Covid-19 (i.e., a houseguest who becomes ill with symptoms of Covid-19, etc.). 

8) Team Socializing. Use reasonable judgment if engaging in activities with your team outside of the rink.

9) No Sharing of Equipment and Food. Do not share water bottles, food/snacks (unless individually wrapped) or any protective hockey equipment with any other player. 


RYH reserves the right to change these protocols and guidelines based on changing circumstance due to COVID-19 regulations mandated at the national, regional, state and local level.